Sunday 20 March 2016

A (very) belated 'Happy New Year' post & update!

Hello everyone and 'Happy New Year' (ish)!

I want to start by apologising for completely slipping in my blogging activity since the end of last year, I can't believe I've not posted here since November! I also wanted to say a mega, mega huge thank you to those of you who have still been checking back here and there as I've noticed my hit counter repeatedly creeping up even though I've been totally inactive - I'll be making your extreme patience worth your while with lots of new posts soon!

If you're a regular follower of mine you'll know that my 'day job' is working as a tattoo artist and even though Winter is usually a very quiet time for us, I somehow found myself totally overwhelmed with how busy I was with bookings, commissions and shoots! I've been trying to stay active across all the various social networking sites and apps I use, with my main activity over on my Instagram and Facebook pages - make sure you follow them both if you want more regular updates! I've also found myself more ill than not over the past few months which has made it difficult for me to find the time to fit everything in I'd like to but hopefully I'll have a lot more time to post here more now that I've boosted my immune system a bit and my plans are back on track!

I'll be making a few changes here and there this year as I try and lead up to some pretty big plans of mine but all will be revealed in time! In the mean time I'll be focusing on posting more fashion-based content, lifestyle and shoot news on a more regular basis for you all :)

For now, why don't you go check out what I've been up to over in a few other places too:

Twitter | Tumblr | Deviant Art | Lookbook & Feels @thelittlebocreep

Thanks for checking in and I'll see you all soon!

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